Schedule your Cleaning service for tomorrow!

Relax and leave the cleaning to our talented housekeepers.
Services from 9,97€ per hour.

Schedule your cleaning in less than 5 minutes; all online, easy and fast.
Only accredited, tested and evaluated professionals for each service.
Scheduled? Leave the hard work to our talented housekeepers.

Cheap and Efficient

See how it works

Online quote
Tell us what you need and check the amount to be paid.
Choose the time and day that best fits your schedule.
Make the payment
Pay online, safely and quickly, by debit or credit card.
Just chill!
Relax and invest your time in what really matters..
2 Hours, Weekly Plan
Online scheduling
Automatic recurrence
Flexible rescheduling
Preferred professional
5% OFF
3 Hours, Weekly Plan
Online scheduling
Automatic recurrence
Flexible rescheduling
Preferred professional
5% OFF
4 Hours, Single Service
Online scheduling
Automatic recurrence
Flexible rescheduling
Preferred professional
5% OFF


As my house is very big, I thought it best to hire two professionals, but it was sooo worth it, they worked in perfect harmony and my house was squeaky clean in a few hours! I highly recommend!!

Dil Vasconcelos
Business Administrator

My week is very busy, I don't have time for almost anything, you guys were a find in my life! I'm not worried when I get one of them here at home, I really liked it!

Mariana Ganimi
Civil Engineer

I confess that I'm very detail-oriented, however I have to acknowledge the excellent work of the cleaner who came to my house, made everything shine, it doesn't even look like the same house. I really liked!!

Patrícia Meyrelles

Being able to hire the same professional to clean the house and iron clothes is priceless. Try to provide an annual plan! lol

Magno Maranhão

Look, I only have one thing to say: why didn't I discover this company sooner? The professionals do a great job, they are agile, they prioritize everything I ask for, I haven't had any problems until today. I recommend for sure!!

Daniele Melo
Executive Secretary

Cleaning service: Serviced locations

Ciutat Vella
El Gòtico El Raval El Born La Barceloneta Sant Pere Santa Caterina i la Ribera
Nou Barris
Vilapicina i la Torre Llobeta Porta El Turo de la Peira Can Peguera La Guineueta Canyelles Les Roquetes Verdun La Prosperitat La Trinitat Nova Torre Baro Ciutat Meridiana Vallbona
Horta Guinardo
El Baix Guinardo Can Baro El Guinardo La Font d’en Fargues El Carmel La Teixonera Sant Genis dels Agudells Montbau La Vall d’Hebron La Clota Horta
Sarria-Sant Gervasi
Vallvidrera el Tibidabo i les Planes Sarria Les Tres Torres Sant Gervasi-Bonanova Sant Gervasi-Galvany El Putget i Farro
Les Corts
Les Corts La Maternitat i Sant Ramon Pedralbes
Vallcarca i els Penitents El Coll La Salut Vila de Gracia El Camp d’en Grassot i Gracia Nova
El Poble Sec La Marina del Prat Vermell La Marina de Port La Font de la Guatlla Hostafranc La Bordeta Sants-Badal Sants
El Fort Pienc La Sagrada Familia La Dreta de l’Eixample Antiga Esquerra de l’Eixample Nova Esquerra de l’Eixample Sant Antoni
Sant Marti
El Camp de l’Arpa del Clot El Clot El Parc i la Llacuna del Poblenou La Vila Olimpica del Poblenou Diagonal Mar i el Front Maritim El Besos i el Maresme Provençals del Poblenou Sant Marti de Provençals La Verneda i la Pau
Sant Andreu
La Trinitat Vella Baro de Viver El Bon Pastor Sant Andreu La Sagrera El Congres i els Indians Navas
Badalona Cornellà de Llobregat Esplugues de Llobregat l'Hospitalet de Llobregat el Prat de Llobregat Sant Adrià de Besòs Sant Boi de Llobregat Sant Feliu de Llobregat Sant Joan Despí Sant Just Desvern Santa Coloma de Gramenet